Happy Don’t Be A Fool Day!

Happy Don’t Be A Fool Day!

Did you know that on top of it being April Fool’s Day, it’s also Don’t Be A Fool Day? While I think tasteful jokes are a whole lotta fun, one thing I take very seriously is copyright infringement. There seems to be a lot of it going around lately and...
Website Redesign & Oh My! Handmade Goodness

Website Redesign & Oh My! Handmade Goodness

A few big things are currently underway in Joyful Roots land, and things might get messy around here shortly! I want to give you a little heads up because I’m going to be redoing the website to better accomodate my business. I love the blog here, but I need a...
Things To Make You Think Spring!

Things To Make You Think Spring!

1. Bird Chirping Weather by Katie Daisy // 2. Everyday Purse by Melissa Beaudrie // 3. Birds Original Painting by Céline // 4. Large Whimsical Floor Cushion by Big Bird’s Boutique // 5. Bunting Necklace by Tiffany We had a blast of cold (and a head-cold to go...
Baby On Board! A Big Announcement

Baby On Board! A Big Announcement

I have an announcement to make! There will be a new addition coming to the Joyful Roots family in October. Yes, my husband and I are having a baby! You may have noticed I’ve been a bit absent lately. The morning sickness (all day sickness) has done a number on...
Inspirational Images Friday {The Birds}

Inspirational Images Friday {The Birds}

Today I have some gorgeous artwork incorporating birds and femininity. I’ve been listening to Skinny Love by Birdy over and over again for the past few days and I thought it would be play it while you admire the artwork.