the big MINI ART MARATHON {Days 10 & 11}

the big MINI ART MARATHON {Days 10 & 11}

  Have you ever dreamed of a painting or creation in your sleep? That’s what happened to me the other night. I actually dreamed of quite a few paintings, but these two were the most vivid when I woke up. That’s really the first time I have taken my...
the big MINI ART MARATHON {Days 8 & 9}

the big MINI ART MARATHON {Days 8 & 9}

Today I though long and hard about the colors I wanted to use and I’m so happy with the results. I’ve been feeling like none of my colors are really consistent, so I want to focus more on finding a palette to stick with for the most part. I think it will...
the big MINI ART MARATHON {Day 7}

the big MINI ART MARATHON {Day 7}

One of the biggest reasons I created the big MINI Art Marathon for myself was so that I could experiment with techniques and ideas to better refine my own personal artistic style. I feel like I am all over the board, but much of that has to do with this exploratory...
the big MINI ART MARATHON {Days 5 & 6}

the big MINI ART MARATHON {Days 5 & 6}

The weekend of our wedding in Battle Creek Michigan this August, the World Championship Hot AIr Balloon Festival was taking place. Balloons where everywhere and it was completely magical! When I was in elementary school, hot air balloons used to land in the school...
the big MINI ART MARATHON {Day 4}

the big MINI ART MARATHON {Day 4}

It’s Friday! I went into the office today for a meeting and it lasted all of a half an hour. Despite the hour drive round trip, I was excited to get home and paint! More time for art! I’m feeling a tad under the weather today – hoping I’m not...
the big MINI ART MARATHON {Day 3}

the big MINI ART MARATHON {Day 3}

It’s so cold outside today! For those of you in more frigid climates, you probably would laugh at me for saying so, but the wind was freezing! We still have a beautiful amount of snow on the mountains (I should really post a picture), and I think that is what...
the big MINI ART MARATHON {Day 2}

the big MINI ART MARATHON {Day 2}

I’m feeling a bit schizophrenic with my art. One day I like to paint with bright colors; the next, more subdued. Today I’m enjoying smoother brush strokes, but other days I like a more painterly style. And then, there’s days like today where the...
the big MINI ART MARATHON! {Day 1}

the big MINI ART MARATHON! {Day 1}

Happy 2013 everyone! Wow, today feels amazing. I have very good feelings about this year, like some wonderful things are going to transpire! I’m filled with more excitement and hope than I have felt on January 1st in the past. Maybe part of that has to do with...

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