This year I have big plans to take my art business to the next level. I’m hoping you’ll also join me in that journey, whether it be by taking your own business to the next level too, or following me on my journey. One of the things I have been wanting to...
2013 Bring On The Magic Sale

2013 Bring On The Magic Sale

When I make art, I feel like I’m making magic. This year, I want to make more magic than every before, so starting tomorrow, I’m giving you 13% off my Etsy shop to bring in the New Year!
A Joyful Holiday Season To You!

A Joyful Holiday Season To You!

I don’t know what it is about  this time of year, but get the most comforting feeling when the weather changes and the temperatures drop. And it’s strange, because I don’t like being cold. It’s probably due to the nostalgia I have for Christmas...
Flying Fox {Inspirational Image Friday}

Flying Fox {Inspirational Image Friday}

Can you understand why I am mesmerized by Sandra Dieckmann’s art? It’s absolutely amazing and inspiring! I can’t get enough. And, remember Jennifer Lee? She introduced my to Society6 which is where I stumbled upon Sandra. If you haven’t been to...
Things That Make Me Say Joy!

Things That Make Me Say Joy!

I can’t deny it…this time of year makes me feel giddy inside. I still get a magical feeling inside when the weather starts to change and the holiday decorations go up. Despite my lack of tolerance for cold, I love seeing the snow fall and thinking about...
The Pluses and Pitfalls of A Part-Time Job

The Pluses and Pitfalls of A Part-Time Job

Maybe you can relate. You get a part-time job to help you bring in some steady income while you try to build your passionate business into one that supports you wholly. It’s like an unwavering friend, steady and true, who keeps you grounded in some semblance of...