Birds Of A Feather

Birds Of A Feather

  Verdigras Feather Ring / Green Owl art print – archival fine art / Feather Art, Nature Quote, Teal Blue, 5×7 Print – Study Nature / Feathered Friends Pocket Planner / Feathers 2 – 8 x11 print

Have A Joyful Halloween!

Joyful Halloween by kimberly-kling 1. Owl jewelry by Cat Hutchings / 2. Fruit Bat Specimen by GollyBard / 3. Intense Gray Wolf Portrait by StephsShoes / 4. Doll Face with Antlers Woodland by sweetbestiary / 5. Chimney Sweep Art Print by michelelynchart/ 6. Felted Leaf...
On Guard – To Your Health Tuesday

On Guard – To Your Health Tuesday

If you’ve been reading around Joyful Roots, you know I love fall. The weather is changing and it’s beautiful, but that change usually means more colds and bugs going around. One of the things that I have been using whenever I feel like I might be coming...
Carpe Diem {Inspirational Image Friday}

Carpe Diem {Inspirational Image Friday}

I’m pretty sure I have a little gypsy soul living inside of me. I want to wake up everyday, with a big bold smile on my face, color and flare in my world, and say to myself “sieze the day!” This beautiful piece by Jennifer Lee feels just that way to...
The Art of Encaustic

The Art of Encaustic

I am so obsessed with Encaustic Art at the moment. I’ve been wanting to get my hands dirty and start experimenting with some of this beautiful medium, but until I can get myself a little encaustic set-up I’m going to salivate over all of the amazing...