Joy Around The Web – Link Love

Joy Around The Web – Link Love

I’ve got some fun places to share today! Here are a few of my latest favorites from around the web. Joy on! A great place to buy and browse art. I love the clean and minimalist layout that makes viewing the art here very appealing....
I Am An Acorn Small And Round

I Am An Acorn Small And Round

Ever have those days where the world seems huge and you feel like a tiny, insignificant little speck in this big ole’ universe? You’re not alone. But please, trust that while you may be small, you can accomplish great things. One small act of...
Positive Panties {Joyful Business}

Positive Panties {Joyful Business}

Do you ever wake up in the morning with your crabby panties on? Your underwear in a bunch? I know I have. Well, these ladies are going to help us change that, one pair of panties at a time. Since putting on your underwear is one of the first things you do in the...
Never Enough Autumn

Never Enough Autumn

This year, autumn is calling to me more than ever. The summer wasn’t particularly bad, but living in Arizona has me missing the changing of the trees. It was 93 degrees here today, although just a few weeks ago we started to feel that crisp clean air that makes...
22 Uses For The Lovely Lavender Essential Oil

22 Uses For The Lovely Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil (Lavandula angustifolia) is one of my most favorite oils because it has so many uses and is so gentle. Besides simply smelling good, lavender actually has some amazing qualities which make it great for soothing sore muscles, aiding the healing...
The Killer Oil – Oregano

The Killer Oil – Oregano

Oregano Oil doesn’t mess around! If you need a power-house of a plant oil to fix what may be ailing you, then you may want to try Oregano Oil (Origanum vulgare). To start, here are a few things this plant oil tackles: Bacterial Infections Fungal Infections Viral...
The Color Of Fall

The Color Of Fall

Crisp Air. Clear skies. Golden Glow. Mmmm….Fall. The colors in this photo by The Shutterbug Eye are to die for. It makes me feel so refreshed, how about you? What is your favorite aspect of fall?
Loving Fall…

Loving Fall…

Oh My! I love Polyvore! Loving Fall by kimberly-kling on Polyvore Give Thanks print by GusAndLula / Love Autumn Woman by Porlove / Love Autumn Rain Original Watercolor by Fairysomnia / Crate and Barrel – Pumpkin Chai Red Tea / Clove Essential Oil by...


One Word. Purity. Ok. A few other words: Ethics, Integrity, Consistency, Quality, Potency, Education, and Knowledge. As I said in my last post, I’ve been interested in the healing properties of plants for a while, but it wasn’t until I experienced the...