by Kimberly | Feb 26, 2014 | Creativity
This post is part of the Things Worth Celebrating Community blog tour. A collection of posts by bloggers focusing on everyday moments that deserve to be celebrated. I’m a dreamer. I’m often caught in my head envisioning beautiful and exciting plans for the...
by Kimberly | Feb 8, 2014 | Creativity
All too often we get caught up in the everyday. We celebrate birthdays, maybe anniversaries, but we don’t focus on all of the other life moments that are absolutely deserving of being celebrated in a special way. On February 27th, Alison from The Petit Cadeau...
by Kimberly | Jan 16, 2014 | Creativity
That was so much fun! I loved hearing all of your words for the New Year and your thoughts about what I should create more of this year. Your words this year are SETTLE, KEEP SWIMMING, JUMP, BRAVE…I love it! Let’s see you get out there and make it happen!...
by Kimberly | Jan 1, 2014 | Creativity
Happy New Year everyone! This year has flown by at unbelievable speeds and brought the biggest change to my life yet – my new baby boy! 2013 was an incredible yet roller-coaster type of year. Some major amazingness happened including making beautiful new...
by Kimberly | Dec 18, 2013 | Creativity
Yesterday I was browsing around Spoonflower and I saw something on the front page that looked really familiar. It took me a second to realize, it was my Retro Pinecones pattern featured for their new silky faille fabric. Spoonflower made these beautiful pillows from...
by Kimberly | Dec 5, 2013 | Creativity
Woah, the holidays sure snuck up fast this year, didn’t they? How is your December going so far? Life has been crazy (crazy good) with my little man coming into this world. I’m so excited for him to experience his first holiday season, although I doubt he...
by Kimberly | Nov 23, 2013 | Creativity
I’m pretty sure that the goodness I’ve experienced from Oh My! Handmade Goodness just never ends. Guess what guys? A bunch of us teamed up to create a super gorgeous & nifty letterpress calendar! I am just over-the-top excited about this! In...
by Kimberly | Nov 7, 2013 | Creativity
For several months we have been working “behind the scenes” on a special Fall/Winter collaborative project, and I am excited to finally be able to share it with you! I write about thoughtful gifting and love to gift handmade and local products. I believe in simple...
by Kimberly | Oct 31, 2013 | Creativity
If you’ve been following my blog for a while now, you probably are wondering what the heck happened to me and if I had my baby yet! Little Graysen Timothy Kling wasn’t in a rush to come into this world, but at 41 weeks +1 day and after 38 hours of labor,...
by Kimberly | Oct 14, 2013 | Creativity
Hue-ahaulic: Chocolate by kimberly-kling featuring a leather cuff bracelet Leather cuff bracelet / Woodgrain by blockpartyprints on Etsy / Lacy Owl Twins birds art print by TevaKiwi / MAXI coat with by RenzRags / Hemp Pendant Lamp by IvyStyles / Hand knit winter scarf...