Are you like me – creative, passionate, inquisitive, and always wanting to learn and try something new, and all over the board?

You’ve got so many interests and are good at many things, and you just can’t see how anyone could choose one thing to do for the rest of their life?

Let me fill you in on a little secret. You don’t have to! The world can be your oyster, and it’s dang right ok to have a multitude of pearls or swap them out for new ones when you feel like it.

I know, they’ve been telling you from the time you were little that you have to specialize in something when you grow up. You have to be labeled and you need to choose one career. You will be a doctor. You will be an accountant. You will be a marine biologist.

Well when I was little, I wanted to be a marine biologist, AND an artist, AND an environmental activist, AND a singer, AND an actor. My goals have changed, but I still can’t pick just one thing. I’m excited about too much of what life has to offer to do that! I will proudly proclaim that I am a multipotentialite, a multipassionate, a scanner, or quite simply, a person who has many different interests and creative pursuits in life.

Where am I going with all of this? I promised you I would introduce you to the priceless e-book that helped make Joyful Roots a reality.

Here it is: the e-book that has been a lifesaver (or business saver). It’s called, Renaissance Business: Making Multipotentiality Your Day Job, and it’s by Emilie Wapnick of Puttylike. Before I started Joyful Roots, I bought her book and I devoured every word. You see, I was in a bit of a rut. I wanted to redefine my business, but with all of my interests, I just didn’t know how. The Renaissance Business gave me a framework for turning all of my interests into one business by bringing my passions together into a cohesive theme. And I can still do graphic design, web design, landscape design, art, photography, and whatever else I feel like! How great is that? That’s the reason I am so gung-ho about sharing it with you!

Renaissance Business

Here’s the awesomeness that you get:

  • 103 page PDF that takes you from scratch, through the process of building a business around your interests.
  • 10 pages of worksheets and exercises to lighten the load and simplify the brainstorming process.
  • A launch schedule and checklist to guide you through the most important actions to take before your launch.
  • Free email updates.

You can stop by to download the first chapter for free, and then see if it sounds like something that would be beneficial to you.

If this post resonates with you and you are in the process of starting a business, then I suggest that Renaissance Business is positively worth the investment. If the term multipotentialite sounds like you then you’ll definitely want to hop over to Puttylike is quite possibly the most thought-provoking and insightful web community I have come across to date.


FYI: The proverb, “The World Is My Oyster” the  first appears in Shakespeare’s play ‘The Merry Wives of Windsor’ (1600). Act II, Scene II
Falstaff: I will not lend thee a penny.
Pistol: Why, then, the world’s mine oyster, Which I with sword will open.