the big MINI ART MARATHON {Days 20 & 21}

Good new and bad news. I still have not gotten my mini-canvases s0 I called the company I bought them from and they never shipped. They had one item on back-order, never told me, and held the whole order. So it looks like I might be getting the canvases right at about...
the big MINI ART MARATHON {Day 3}

the big MINI ART MARATHON {Day 3}

It’s so cold outside today! For those of you in more frigid climates, you probably would laugh at me for saying so, but the wind was freezing! We still have a beautiful amount of snow on the mountains (I should really post a picture), and I think that is what...
the big MINI ART MARATHON {Day 2}

the big MINI ART MARATHON {Day 2}

I’m feeling a bit schizophrenic with my art. One day I like to paint with bright colors; the next, more subdued. Today I’m enjoying smoother brush strokes, but other days I like a more painterly style. And then, there’s days like today where the...

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