Things Worth Celebrating Blog Tour

All too often we get caught up in the everyday. We celebrate birthdays, maybe anniversaries, but we don’t focus on all of the other life moments that are absolutely deserving of being celebrated in a special way.

On February 27th, Alison from The Petit Cadeau Blog and Kim from Joyful Roots are focusing our efforts on all of those everyday THINGS WORTH CELEBRATING and we want you to join us for a community blog tour.

Here’s how it works:

(+) Write a blog post with your take on “Things Worth Celebrating”.  You can focus on your personal life, hobbies, parenting, business or anything else you desire, but the focus should be on the simple things in life that we sometimes take for granted.

(+) You can focus on one specific topic (a job promotion, for example) or many things that you currently celebrate, or plan to celebrate this year.

(+) Blog posts can be photos, text, video, or anything in between.

(+) Grab a set of “Things Worth Celebrating” graphics for your blog – available at the end of this post.  Link your graphics to this Things Worth Celebrating page on The Petit Cadeau blog.

(+) Complete your post before February 27 and send the post link to

Visit The Petit Cadeau blog on February 27th for the CELEBRATION and a link up of all participating blogs.  Get inspired by the group, and find some new ideas for things worth celebrating in your own world.

We can’t wait to see what you come up with.

xo Alison & Kim

Copy and paste the code below to insert into your own page, or click the image> then save> and link back to

Main Blog Image

Things Worth Celebrating Blog Tour

<a href=””><img alt=”Things Worth Celebrating Blog Tour” src=”” /></a>

Sidebar Image

Things Worth Celebrating Sidebar Image
<a href=””><img alt=”Things Worth Celebrating Sidebar Image” src=”” /></a>

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