This post is part of the Things Worth Celebrating Community blog tour. A collection of posts by bloggers focusing on everyday moments that deserve to be celebrated.
I’m a dreamer. I’m often caught in my head envisioning beautiful and exciting plans for the future like traveling to Bhutan on a whim or building an elaborate art studio in a giant tree (there aren’t many of those here in Arizona) or holding the most amazing 7th birthday party for my son who isn’t even one yet or decorating our house so wonderfully that it looks like it belongs in Better Homes and Gardens. Or less ambitious perhaps, I dreamed up my goals for this new year – to bring focus to my business and to hustle hustle hustle.
Ahhhh…the best laid plans. Just shortly into the new year reality struck when I was about to pull my hair out because I was not getting “anything” done. For those of you who don’t know, I had a baby in October. Well, the little man requires a lot more time and sleeps a lot less than I had imagined. It took a few good friends to pinch me back into reality and remind me that the only thing I should be focusing on right now is him. The time goes by too fast…and really it does. He’s already going on 5 months now and I’d be heartbroken if I didn’t soak in and celebrate as much of this little guy as I can.

How can you not want to squeeze him?

He loves trying to type just like he sees mama doing. Future blogger.

I could kiss those cheeks every single second and it wouldn’t be enough.
That’s why I’m changing my focus. This year is definitely all about celebrating the family. When I say that, I don’t mean big celebrations with perfectly matching decorations and the coolest favors I can find…what I mean is being ever so present in all the little moments and celebrating each one of them as an experience that fills my heart more and more each time. I don’t want to miss out on that gummy smile first thing in the morning or his angelic face when he falls asleep in my arms; his attempt at holding a conversation or the squishiest baby snuggles ever. I don’t even want to miss out on the crankster who is teething or that little man who is upset that he can’t quite sit up yet but keeps grunting and trying. Or even the drool…yes there is sooooo much drool. And did I mention the softest skin and sweetest baby smell?

Those feet! Those arms! Those little hands!

Sweetest of dreams little man.

We are very excited about the Desert Botanical Gardens!
So the house is a total mess, big projects have been put on hold, and it’s likely that I won’t be creating a ton of new art this year. I’m learning to be ok with that.
Good, bad and everywhere in between, I know that each minute is infinitely precious and can never be relived the same again. He is my reminder to soak in each beautiful, original moment without judgement because it’s all so fleeting and incredibly worthy of celebration.
Oh, I know exactly how you feel! (And oh my goodness, I could kiss Eve’s cheeks all day and never tire of it.) Enjoy this time with your sweet baby 🙂
Thanks Eve…it’s the best feeling in the world, isn’t it?! Yes, enjoy every minute too! She’s such a cutie!!
Beautiful post! I have to remind myself so often that while I’m trying to build a business so I can help support my daughter, I still need to be present with her. You will eventually get to your work. But those little moments…even the crazy ones when you’re wondering what happened to your life…those are the moments that you will miss. Good decision to focus more on family and spending time with your little dude – what a cutie!